Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013

hcg diet made simple

hcg diet made simple

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"let's think about this: what are your choices, if you are overweight or obese?" well, there is always diet and exercise. How well has that been working for you? the concept of using a low-calorie low-fat diet and exercise alone has been promulgated by exercise gurus, nutritionists, and doctors for years now (and actually was debunked by gary taubes in his book good calories, bad calories ) and is still running rampant, as in the oft-touted statement "everybody knows that you just need to eat less and move more".

unfortunately, that just doesn't seem to be cutting it for most of us. or, speaking of cutting , would you rather do the "cutting edge" therapy that the medical profession has devised for morbid obesity? uh, you know, that really does involve cutting you? many members of my support group have already tried that and now they are using hcg to finally solve their problem of obesity.

obviously, the cutting edge cutting didn't work for them in the long term. or you could always use the only fda- approved weight loss drug, orlistat , used in alli and xenical , with which the package instructions advise you to carry extra clothing because of the potentially embarrassing side effects. Um, wait, haven't there been "adverse events" reported to the fda now regarding hepatotoxicity , meaning that you might need a new liver afterwards?

i'm not willing tohave ......Read More detail

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