Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

the weight loss motivation bible: how to program your mind for sustainable fat loss

the weight loss motivation bible: how to program your mind for sustainable fat loss

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i come to you today with a heavy heart. with the never ending array of diets and exercise plans that are introduced to the public annually, i know if you are here reading this that you have still found yourself in much the same position year after year...

overweight and confused about why nothing you've done has worked. and it frustrates me to no end because i know first hand that inability to make progress in this area can be very frustrating. especially as i know you have likely been successful in many other areas of your life including your career, family, and relationships .

chances are, you have have achieved a great deal of progress in those areas. But when it comes to mastering your own body weight you are much more likely to find yourself in a constant state of struggle. something that you think should be easy to master continually defies your best efforts to get on top of it, doesn't it?

so please spare a few moments of your precious time and stick with me here. all i ask is that you let me impart to you these coveted truths that i hold within and if you do, i know that this very day will mark the turning point you've been yearning for - yes - i'm that confident

you see, i'm not going to tell you about yet another diet or exercise plan.

in essence, they focus ......Read More detail

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