Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

caveman body plan - paleo diet

caveman body plan - paleo diet

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the secret to melting belly fat , becoming lean & ripped while obtaining p henomenal h ealth b enefits is simply by following the lifestyle our caveman ancestors have followed for thousands of years .

'they were lean and disease free , they were doing something right ' cavemen had lean, slender, muscular, strong,fat free physiques. Not to mention they were disease free.we know this from the recovery of their bones. They had the body that modern society wants today. So where did we go wrong? why did our population start adding on the pounds?

cavemen did not farm, so they did not have access to foods that we are eating a ton of at the moment, like breads, cereals and so much more, and this is key. Refined and processed foods are the culprit for the extra stomach fat our population is carrying around today.

they ate natural super foods, the foods that evolved us...so it makes sense. These guys were quite physical as well, they had to hunt and fight for their food and build their own shelters and so on.

an entire program and lifestyle in one today you get the chance to start changing your life for the better. this is the paleo diet plus much much more as stated above, there is more to why the cavemen were so lean and disease free. They were active in a waymost of usare not today. They grew foods ina way most of us are not today. The caveman body plan captures the lifestyle of the caveman and puts it all intothemost comprehensive, simplistic approac......Read More detail

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