Rabu, 04 September 2013

vicious eating - the food addict's guide to redemption

vicious eating - the food addict's guide to redemption

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why is it so hard for some people to stick to a diet? i see it all around me individuals who are often successful in other aspects of their lives keep trying to eat right, but somehow always seem to fall back into their old eating habits.

they keep trying new diets with ever increasing determination , but always seem to fail and gain the weight back without ever reaching their goals.

people in western countries are heavier than ever before: + despite an immense amount of different diets that all work on some level. + despite gyms and fitness clubs being everywhere. + despite an abundance of health and weight loss advice on the internet.

if losing weight was as simple as eating less calories and exercising more, we wouldn't be in the midst of an obesity epidemic.

every single human behavior is controlled by hormones. sleeping behavior, sexual behavior, drinking behavior. It is all under hormonal control.

when we get a craving for something, such as ice cream, it has a biological basis and is driven by hormones and neurotransmitters in a certain area of the brain.

eating junk foods (especially sugar) changes our hormonal environment and it involves several hormones.

trying to exert willpower against these powerful hormonally driven signals can be difficult and sometimes impossible.

this is the reason people can't just eat less, move more and live happily ever after. it's not enough to just try to use willpower or self-......Read More detail

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