Senin, 29 April 2013

7 steps to weight loss |

7 steps to weight loss |

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suddenly i began to see my mother in a whole new light. It wasn't about her love for me. She didn't choose to leave me and our family. In many ways, she felt absolutely powerless and truly helpless. she tried her best to lose weight for decades, but deep down inside feared there was no way she would win.

many of the women i have worked with felt the same way. maybe you do too. it's after years and years of failure at losing weight that we pile those experiences, one on top of another, 'til it becomes so overwhelming that we take on disempowering beliefs that allow us to give up .

my mother's belief was my metabolism is broken. while other's beliefs may be, i'm just big boned. i've tried everything. or my family has horrible genetics.

ginger's results are atypical. Individual results may vary.

almost everyone, when they start a new program goes through the same emotional and physical cycle: when you start a new diet you are typically filled with hope. this is it i'm sick and tired of feeling this way and it's got to stop. I just want to get this weight loss thing done

as you make progress on your new program, your body responds and you lose some initial weight. it's working you think, and it is but not in the way that is sustaining. ......Read More detail

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